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Ásgeir Ólafsson Lie

10 bestu: Ásgeir ræðir við Axel Flóvent

Axel Flóvent, tónlistarmaður frá Húsavík, er viðmælandi Ásgeirs Ólafssonar Lie í nýjasta þætti hlaðvarpsraðarinnar 10 bestu. Þar sem um 800.000 manns hlusta á Axel á Spotiy, fæstir íslenskumælandi, fer viðtal Ásgeirs að þessu sinni fram á ensku. Þess má geta að Axel heldur tónleika á Græna hattinum í kvöld.

Ásgeir segir í kynningu þáttarins:

Since Axel has almost 800.000 monthly listeners on Spotify, and most of his followers do not speak Icelandic, is why we do this interview in English. Where does this guy come from? He comes from a small place in Iceland. Why and how all this success? Is he happy about where he stands today as an artist and for what he has done so far? Could he get even bigger if he used social media to advertise himself? If so why doesnt he? We talked a lot about his music and of course his 10 favorite songs (name of the show, 10 bestu) Axel Flovent is a steady growing artist with potential to become a big star. That´s my take on him.

New LP is coming. Yes. His life and his music and everything in between in this podcast.

Thank you for listening wherever you are in the world, and thank you Axel Flovent for a great talk and for being such a good person you are.

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